Get parcel delivery from France to Costa Rica

Published : 08/11/2017 13:30:54
Categories : Shipping from France to Central America with iShip4You :

Get parcel delivery from France to Costa Rica

You live in Costa Rica and you want to shop in France on Sephora, l’Occitane, Darjeeling, Princess Tam Tam, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Dior, Louboutin etc? But these french websites do not deliver Costa Rica? We have the solution so that you get the delivery of your favorite items in Costa Rica.

Sign up on iShip4You, get your free french address, make your orders, Deliver them to your personal French address. We will receive them for you and return them as soon as possible to the best price in Costa Rica.

To find out the price of delivery of your order from France to Costa Rica, please use our free of charge calculator , you can easily calculate the amount of your shipping costs.

To make your purchases, you can also find more than 2000 websites on the iShip4You website directory and find your happiness in cosmetics, lingerie, high tech, clothes, shoes, fashion etc !!!

So do not hesitate, sign up and forward the orders.

If you have any questions about the iShip4You parcel forwarding service, you are free to contact us via our Contact sheet or our email: or simply by consulting our Frequently Asked Questions

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